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Crowd-Sourcing is Here to Stay (and Grow), Says Inventor of reCaptcha

Here’s a cool quote from Luis von Ahn, inventor of reCaptcha (those squiggly characters you see in sign up and registration forms all over the web!) and DuoLingo about how big problems are solved:

I think we’ll continue seeing a mix: certain tasks are best done by small teams of experts, others are best done by crowdsourcing, and others by computers. That said, I assume the fraction of crowdsourced and computer tasks will increase over the next 5 years.”

We couldn’t agree more.

Check out this awesome thread at reddit to delve further into crowd-sourcing.

One Response to “Crowd-Sourcing is Here to Stay (and Grow), Says Inventor of reCaptcha”

  1. susand says:

    yep!!!!! I hope so. I love doing such fun work from home between freelance projects. keeps me on my toes and paves the gaps so I can afford to live well again 😀

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