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6 Ways Researchers Can Boost Productivity Using Transcription


Mobile and Social media are transforming the Market Research industry – more self-published data is available than ever before, much of it in audio visual format. Over 70 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube ever minute. Only 1% of video is searchable for marketing purposes.

Transcription is a key analytical tool for researchers. It enhances productivity, fast tracks analysis and saves time.

  • Multiple researchers = Different interpretations: In large projects, multiple researchers can lead to different interpretations of the data gathered during interviews and focus groups. Transcribed interviews quick and effective research ability.
  • Time Stamping & Speaker Identification: In medium to large projects, its critical to be able to search, share and analyze data quickly and effectively — as a team. Having transcripts that are not only time stamped but also consist of speaker identification allows the time spent in analysis to condense by 3X-4X.
  • Dictate Your Emails: What if you could reply to your emails by dictating into mobile phones and having them transcribed? Automated speech recognition solutions offer low accuracy, but a combination of humans & automation delivers high accuracy, plus it’s easy to access using the TranscribeMe iPhone App. Considering, we speak 4 times faster than we write, this is a huge time saver.
  • Dictate notes after interviews/meetings: As a researcher, you interview individuals for qualitative projects or meet clients to pitch for new projects. Rather than getting distracted by taking notes, concentrate and engage in the meeting, and dictate thoughts and comments afterward.
  • Reassurance to clients: It’s the researcher’s job to convert data into actionable insights, and so it’s reassuring and satisfying for clients to know that they can refer to exact insights produced in interviews and focus groups.
  • Deliver firsthand experience, not just analysis, to clients: We all want to be as close to the customer as possible. As clients are not allowed to identify the research subjects individually, it’s not possible for them to watch a video or be present during interviews. Transcription offers them a real client experience.

Written by Chirag Ahuja.

2 Responses to “6 Ways Researchers Can Boost Productivity Using Transcription”

  1. CareySuante says:

    Really nice write up!

    • Chirag Ahuja says:

      Hi @twitter-14614999:disqus, thanks! Feel free to share it with your networks. Have you used transcription before for your previous projects? How has your experienced been? Would love to know your thoughts!

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