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Voice Technology: What is Enterprise Speech Recognition (ESR)?

In the ever-changing, ever-growing landscape of voice technology, more and more powerful uses are being uncovered. Today’s enterprise companies can benefit from specialized, robust speech recognition technology to vastly improve business performance and agent effectiveness.

TranscribeMe is the industry leader in Enterprise Speech Recognition (ESR) and data-mining technology solutions that deliver actionable insights. With incredibly accurate speech-to-text, intelligent keyword spotting and collection of important customer metadata, our ESR provides the highest quality information to drive business decisions. 

Custom Speech Solutions

Our automated speech-to-text technology utilizes both phonetics and text-based language models, providing the highest quality text output possible. Rather than offering a one-size-fits all solution, we cater to any specific project needs and use-cases.

Benefits for Call Centers

All great enterprise organizations invest a range of resources into developing a solid system of customer communication. Not only is it an way to grow brand loyalty, it’s also an opportunity to understand customers and gauge the efficiency of your message within your sales team and call centers.

  • Hot Alerts: ESR Hot Alerts were specifically designed to quickly identify and analyze important keywords and phrases in real-time. With this technology, the process of determining which calls require urgent response, and then altering the appropriate personnel within your company, becomes completely automated.
  • Agent Scoring: Call Center agents are the voice of your company; thus, it’s critical to be aware of the knowledge and performance of each individual representative. Our ESR provides a functionality that enables managers to track and score agents based on performance. By using speech-to-text combined with digestible dashboards, managers are able to quantitatively rate effectiveness on a per call basis.

Simplified Customer Metadata

Using TranscribeMe’s ESR technology, you can data-mine your customer information for theme, overall sentiment, emotion and even demographic analysis. Our speech recognition platform performs detailed data-mining, and is capable of identifying and capturing an evolving list of classifiers, including:

  • Gender and age
  • Language and dialect
  • Speaker accents and speech patterns
  • Topic detection
  • Sentiment and emotion
  • Silence

Metadata generated from our ESR engine is delivered in multiple formats, and can be easily integrated big data analytics platforms, making it easy to analyze and asses key areas of success and improvement.


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