A couple weeks ago, we mentioned that we were selected as finalists in the New Zealand Export Awards, and we’re very pleased to tell you that we won in the tech sector.
Our very charming CTO, Victor and Operations Officer, Vadim represented TranscribeMe on Friday night at the awards ceremony and we won the award. We’re incredibly excited about this and hope to continue bringing you news of our successes. Here’s our thank you speech and a picture of the award:
“On behalf of the whole TranscribeMe team, I am honored to accept this award!
TranscribeMe was created from the idea that the words each of us say are uniquely valuable, and should be accessible, searchable, and shareable, for our wider community. This is relevant for everyone from poets, to researchers to telecommuters.
We set out to create a company, which uses two unique things: technology which humans don’t have available, and biological characteristics which machines don’t have available. The result is a hybrid platform, which uses the best of speech processing technology around the world, and pairs it in a highly efficient process with crowd-sourced, on-demand labor.
The fact that we have a break-through product is being proven right now, as industry giants like Evernote and VMware are seeking us out. Not only are we serving the existing market with a new solution, we’re also increasing the size of the pie, by bringing in new video, media, and publishing customers who were not in the market because there was no solution for them.
Exporting from New Zealand has never been easier. And with the rise of the Asian economies and their close ties with our country, we are excited to call New Zealand home to our global company, and proud that the product which was conceived and exported from here is making an impact to people on every continent.
Thank you again to the New Zealand Export Awards, and thanks to our inspiring and really quite handsom VP of Sales Bethanie Krogstad for writing this speech for us tonight.”