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Enterprise Insights Lost in Audio: How Transcription Drives Sales and Efficiency Through Audio Analysis

The search for efficiency: Organizations all over the world are constantly searching for ways to become more efficient with their internal business practices. From understanding how your customers use your services to figuring out the best language for your sales and marketing teams, managers are always looking to increasing productivity and deliver better performance.

Data capture is king: The best way to accurately determine these efficiencies is to aggregate and analyze large amounts of data. The problem is that a significant amount of data created within organizations comes in the form of conversation, which is difficult to analyze en masse. A few examples of valuable audio data include:

  • Sales teams pitching your products to potential clients – and the client’s response
  • Human Resources conducting interviews with incoming and outgoing employees
  • Marketing & training managers creating videos to better equip your staff and answer client questions

Transcription allows analysis of previously lost data: Being able to access quantifiable information from data sources allows you to make changes in an analytic fashion. An easy tool to accomplish this is transcription. Many teams already have a large amount of content recorded. By transcribing the content into text, it becomes simple to analyze in a way that facilitates decision making through data rather than the traditionally emotional “I feel like this could be better” type of decision making.

At TranscribeMe, our goal is to help you navigate through the evolving world of “Big Data.” There are opportunities to make many incremental changes with the processes that go into making your company successful, and the inexpensive task of transcribing your audio and video content will enable you to navigate successfully. Give us a call and let us show you how we can help improve your company’s performance.

By Nathan Pikover and Bethanie Krogstad

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